CBR Motorised Load Frame

CBR Motorised Load Frame

to BS and ASTM standards to BS 1377:4

British StandardBS1377-4
Other StandardsEN13286-46
Approx. Weight (kg)120
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The Impact SL075 CBR machine is a motorised load frame specifically designed to carry out CBR tests. It is a bench-mounted system with a motorised drive. The speed is pre-set to 1.2mm/min which covers both ASTM and BS standards. Supplied complete with a limit of travel safety switch.
Additional items required to perform the test such as load ring, dial gauge, CBR mould etc. are not supplied as part of the CBR load frame.

Packed dimensions: 500mm W x 750mm L x 1470mm H 

Click Click to view a PDF file of the User Guide

A user guide is available to download from the Impact web site www.impact-test.co.uk