Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer

Wet & Dry Bulb Hygrometer

Mason's hygrometer

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  • Ranges: -5 to +50°C&F
  • Ranges: +/- 1°C&F
  • Divisions: 1°C&F
The mason's hygrometer is a wall-mounted wet and dry thermometer for determining relative humidity.

The classic masons hygrometer with wet and dry bulb hygrometer and a large water reservoir. One thermometer bulb is in air and the other is wrapped in a wick kept moist from a water reservoir. The difference between the two readings is used to give an accurate calculation of humidity. Complete with wet and dry bulb tables. Centigrade & Farenheight.

The hygrometer is housed in a robust case that measures 310 x 77 x 32mm.