Vacuum Pyknometer - 10 litre

Vacuum Pyknometer - 10 litre

10 litre capacity, with valve and gauge

Other StandardsEN12697-5
Approx. Weight (kg)8
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to EN 12697-5 - EN 13108 - ASTM D2041 - AASHTO T209 - AASHTO T283
Vacuum Pump and Shaker not included

Manufactured from transparent plexiglass, complete with valve and gauge, this is used for a rapid determination of asphalt content, bulk specific gravity of aggregates, the maximum theoretical specific gravity of bituminous uncompacted road mixtures and the percentage air voids in compacted mixtures.

To perform the test a minimum ultimate vacuum of 30 mm/Hg is required.

Dimensions: 300mm diameter x 450mm high
Weight : 8 kg approx.