SLT2 Static Load Test Logging System 300T

SLT2 Static Load Test Logging System 300T

with 8 channel data acquisition unit and 4 displacement transducers

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The SLT2 is purpose designed system for monitoring stati pile load tests and for presenting data in accordance with Eurocode 7.
The equipment consists of a data acquisition unit, 25m cable reel, four electronic displacement transducers and a calibrated load cell or pressure transducer . The system is also supplied with software for data acquisition, calibration, display and printing of results.

The load and deflection readings are collected by the SLT2 logger, which processes and continuously downloads data to a PC supplied by the user. Data is then simultaneously displayed and stored for printing.

This system enables you to monitor a static load test accurately from distances of up to 25m without the need for personnel to be in close proximity to potentially dangerous, highly loaded system components.
Load Cell and Pressure Transducer are not supplied and must be purchased separately


  • Can be used with any 700Bar Hydraulic cylinder
  • Displacement & load displayed in real?Time
  • Load/Settlement graph plotted in real?Time
  • Can be supplied with either calibrated load cell or pressure transducer
  • Will work with any notebook PC
  • Supplied with rugged 8 channel data acquisition unit and 4 displacement transducers
  • Calibration block and routine
  • Powered by 110/240VAC or through 12VDC adapter
  • Rugged transducers suitable for use on construction sites


Data acquisition and storage is all controlled by the SLT2 software, which is user friendly and operated within Windows operating systems. The software enables the operator to view all data in real time and also plot a load settlement graph as the test progresses.

Displacement gauges can be calibrated in-situ with supplied gauge block and re?set remotely. Should the test be halted for any reason, e.g. power failure, there are routines which enable the test to recommence without any loss of data.

Data can be accessed in many formats and exported in ASCII format for use in other applications if required.


Acquisition Unit: 8 channel Datascan 7221
Storage: Data files are stored as the test proceeds and include real time, elapsed time, load (KN), 4No displacement readings (mm), Average settlement (mm) and rate of settlement (mm/hr) for each test and includes full header information—site, job no, weather, operator, pile no, pile diameter, pile type, working load, max test load, date and start time.
Size: L 218 x W 187 x D 55mm
Weight: Approx 6Kg
Connectors: Waterproof Military type and rugged Jaeger type, each uniquely marked.
Power: 110/250VAC inputs. Can be powered through 12VDC/250VAC power converter. This can also be used to power a laptop computer on site.
Displacement Transducers : 4No Linear Potentiometer type, 100mm range, 0.01mm resolution, filled with Jaeger connectors.

Load Cell and Pressure Transducer are optional extras, contact Impact for further details
Standard Supply Includes : SLT2 Acquisition unit, 4No Potentiometer displacement transducers, Displacement Calibration block, 25m cable reel, connection cables, USB/Serial interface data transfer cable, AC power cable, AC/DC power converter for 12V power, Waterproof carry cases for transducers, Instruction Manual, SLT2 Software CD, Calibration certificates, 1 Year Limited Warranty

SLT2 Software

The SLT2 logging software is designed to operate on a PC with Windows operating software. The data acquisition unit is connected to a PC running this software during the test. We recommend the following minimum
hardware requirements for your PC : Pen??um 4 computer running at 800 MHz 256 MB of RAM (recommended) VGA or SVGA Monitor, 1024 x 768 resolution Fixed hard disc minimum 40GB Microsoft Windows XP. 
Once the system is connected up, all operations are controlled using the SLT2 software. There are two viewports to the software.

Data Viewport
This enables you to enter site details, calibrate and zero transducers, view load and settlement in real time and view a plot of the load test in progress. Displayed transducer readings are refreshed every second.

Table Viewport
This enables you to view a table of values saved during the tests, every one minute interval. This includes time, elapsed time, load (kN), individual gauge displacements (mm), average settlement (mm) and rate of settlement (mm/hr).

Once a test is stopped or if you have opened an old test, it is possible to print out the following results:
  • Table of results showing time, elapsed time, displacement readings, load readings and settlement rate.
  • Graph of Applied load versus settlement at pile head.
  • Graph of Applied load and Settlement at pile head versus elapsed time.

Exporting data
All data is stored in ASCII format so it is possible to export it and use in other applications.