UKAS accredited calibration laboratory, No. 0419
Our highly trained & qualified engineers are able to calibrate a number of Force Testing systems and devices from any manufacturer, that are used in the laboratory or on site.
Impact performs calibrations within our own laboratory at Stevenston or on your premises* or site*. Our engineers travel extensively throughout the UK, Ireland and overseas, supporting our customers wherever they are.

Call +44 (0)1294 602626 or email our calibration department to arrange an on site calibration visit or send your equipment to Impact for calibration in our laboratory.

Our UKAS Accreditation Covers:
SOILS & ROCK, to BS1377 & BS EN 7500-1
- Load Rings
- Load Cells
- Point Load Testers
- Load Gauges
- Compressions Machines
- Includes the Alignment and Restraint (Foote Meter), Pacer rate & Flatness of platens
- Flexural Machines
- Transverse Machines
CONCRETE / CEMENT / MORTARS to BS EN &7500-1 & BS EN 12390-4
ASPHALT to BS EN 7500-1
- Load Rings
- Load Cells
TESTING to BS EN 7500-1
- Compression Machines
- Load Rings
- Load Cells
- Perforated Plate Sieves to BS EN 3310-2 & BS 410-2
- Woven Wire Mesh Sieves to BS 410-1, ISO 3310-1 & ASTM E11
Click here to view a copy of Impact's UKAS Accreditation Schedule.

Impact can assist in arranging calibration for many items used in the laboratory, such as:
- Soil Penetrometers
- Dial Gauges
- Cone Check Gauges
- Linear Transducers
- Hand Vane Testers
- Vernier Callipers
- Digital Callipers
- Straight Edges
- Feeler Gauges
- Engineer Squares
- Gauge Blocks
- Marshall Compactors
- Hydrometers
- Tachometers
- Pressure Gauges
- Centrifuges
- Test Hammers
- Air Meters
The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the sole UK accreditation body recognised by government to assess, against internationally recognised standards, organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. UKAS is a member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the European co-operation for Accreditation (EA). UKAS calibration certificates issued by Impact bear both the UKAS and the ILAC logos.